Electromagnetic Love

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

The First Friday Art Opening Shuffle

The 'Gallery Owner is Independently Wealthy' Gallery

Artist: Pungent academic who thinks too much about the crisis of post modernism.

Free stuff? Copious wine but no snacks (in order to loosen your inhibitions about buying the painting, "Not Again Mommy.")

Hook up potential: Middling. Hard to distinguish downtown alley cat from uptown prickly prig.

Representative quote: "Five years ago you could have bought her for 50 dollars and a meatloaf special."

The 'We Actually Try to Make Money' Gallery

Artist: Insanely productive Slav desperately attempting to pay the rent with terrifying landscapes in acrylic.

Free stuff? Wine, snacks and match books with the gallery's info (quickly devoured by chain smoking, chain drinking friends of the artist.)

Hook up potential: Above average. But avoid making out by the meatpacking plant next door.

Representative Quote: "He had to quit the whole 'biker gang meth thing' to concentrate on his painting."

The 'Hungry Freak Cooperative' Gallery

Artist: 6 malnourished MFA's meditating on the theme of 'interorificial cranial penetration' in video and paint form.

Free stuff? Old Style in cans and a stolen craft-service deli tray. There is also a raffle for a piece of driftwood, on which is scrawled a tiny plea for help.

Hook up potential: Pretty good. Chat up people who are entranced by the video installation of naked people wearing horse heads and slap fighting.

Representative Quote: "Can you pitch in a couple bucks? We need to get more beer."

The 'Greasy Basement Industrial Factory' Gallery

Artist: Sunlight deprived pot-head exploring the relationship between pneumatic nail guns and Pre-Raphaelite faeries with gossamer wings.

Free stuff? Scrounge for contraband consumed by furtive clusters in dark, dusty corners.

Hook up potential: Very good. Grope slumming office workers by the slop-sink in back.

Representative Quote: "The artist didn't leave his studio for three months. And there's no bathroom in there."



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